i had 3 necklaces, 2 pendants, 4 pairs of earrings and one ring. which is pretty great for grabbing a couple minutes a day here and there.
i spent most of my beading time this week working on peices for my first collection. which has been a scary thing to contemplate. but i had this idea, and i just wanted to make a sweet little group of elegant, lovely peices, all themed around the idea of fairie wings.

i leaned towards demure, velvet-y, pastel tones that make me think of spring time, the first blush of growth and butteflies. i'm working out of my color groove by pairing them with mixed metals and brilliant gold toned chains.

then the fairie wings come in. i used a fantastic tutorial that i found over on craftster to put them together. I grabbed some amazing butterfly stickers and used them instead of plain paper as the backing for the wings, ending up with elegant little fairie wings.

the collection is about halfway done, with 5 peices made for it already, some will be sold by them selves, but others will be available in sets. when the collection is finished, i'll replicate my most popular item from it, and the other designs will be retired.
this is abosolutely lovely i love the little fairy wings on the middle item - jason R